image Yowie

Yowallah, I’m Yowie Bunda, chief protector of the pit of bones and cemetery. Im at Jarjumbah to represent the bones as a descendant of those ancestors who went thru the former Deebing Creek mission.

Im here to achieve repatriation and send the ancestors’ bones home. Im here to change legislation. IM HERE FOR TRUTH & HEALING.

image Cassie

Cassie is originally from Kaurna country - Adelaide, South Australia and on her journey seeking her own connections; Cassie came to us after being invited by a fellow protector to one of our movie nights, the releasing of Zach’s ceremony, Being a sensitive person to energy; the spirit and history of Deebing once felt into and shared to her, etched in her heart bringing her to stand with us in our fight for truth to be told, healing, repatriation, justice and the preservation of yuggeras deebing creek mission site and massacre pit within.

Cassie assists us where she can with outside research, Yambas & shed builds previously with fellow protectors, onsite protection work and help, cook ups, on and offline love & support, massacre pit protection alongside and under direction of Yowie; and forest friends. Cassie also holds sound healing journeys as requested within aunty Sharon’s truth & healing days.

image Keri

Hi! I’m Keri from so-called Canada. That’s where I first became involved in decolonisation efforts. Seeing the similarities in both the historical and contemporary ways colonisation impacts First Nations peoples from these lands, I was compelled to continue to participate on this path toward justice and join the protectors at the former Deebing Creek Mission site. I am involved as an accomplice, helping to organise community events and working bees to encourage others to get involved too!

image Cam

Cam - non-indigenous person from Narrm, (Melbourne) Wurundjeri country and comes out regularly to help whenever they have the chance to. Has helped out with gardening and whatever smaller tasks need doing. Motivated to help defend the land for various reasons; recognition of past wrongs done by colonisation to learn and heal from it, fighting for land rights for First Nations people, showing the potential of and the things we can do with land such as building things to live in and growing our own food, preserving indigenous cultural knowledge, and drawing attention to the harmful aspects of colonisation that continues today.

image DeeKey

“Yaama ngindaay Gamilaraay winungulda, ngaya DIrri’Ya-Gamil Kapithun, Goonoo Goonoo - Birridjaa Gamilaraay. Ngay yumba ya walla wallay-ba Toolmoor - Yuggera / Ugarapul - Dharra / Dawun. Nyianingu nama maran yaliwunga ngurra-li”.

Greetings, with extended acknowledgemnents to those who “Understand” Gamilaraay. I am, Dirri’Ya-Gamil Kapithun, The administrator and Executor of the public contained anomoly name, Daniel John KINCHELA. This anomoly as an administative error came after an attempt to change my name by way of Deed Poll within the State of Queensland, to give effect to my legal name on the State administrative amended BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Via the Supreme Court of Queensland in Brisbane, I was verbally instructed by Queensland Birth Deaths & Marriages to conduct a formal court inquiry and discovered the recieved information regarding my deed poll was not recorded on any State database archives. I have become an Internally Displaced Person and currently facing further victimization to displacement this time a development induced type.

I have also been known previously by many names including, Gilaay, Dinewun, Mopoke, DK, Deekay, Dee Kay, Daniel John COLE, Daniel John MATTHEWS, Daniel John PARSONS and other nicknames I have picked up amongst peers.

On my Mother’s-side I belong to family-clan groups, Goonoo Goonoo, Birridjaa, whose clan territorial sovereignty is contained by the Tribe known as, Gamilaraay. I stay on-site permanantly and my camp is within the declared space of Toolmoor (Ipswich’s former place name pre-european first contact) and in accordance to my birthrite, I am enjoying diplomatic priviledges within these boundaries seperately as an Auxillary to the Local sovereigns including, Yuggera, and, Ugarapul Tribal Groups, evidenced by my Aboriginal Nations Passport and via other expressed written approvals.

Due to my Paternal Birthrite, my Respect for Yuggera Sovereign Tribal Territorial integrity gave me a status at Queensland Statutory Law as a result of a mediation process facilitated by the Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission. The mediation conducted was between the Queensland Police Service and Members of the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy including myself after being incarcerated defending the sacred fire on May 16th 2012 gaining legal reccomendations individually, granting my validity towards being a Gamilaraay/Yuggera Integrity-Conciliatory Facilitator for Local Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Queensland. Furthermore, in alleged employment regimes and professionalism within Australian society, my multi-national accolades and attainments as part of Hip Hop Pioneers “Native Ryme Syndicate” includes a certified Legend Status as an inductee to the Independent MusicOzAwards as a Legend in the urban music category 2013 (Australian Genus Loci), however, sadly is now in permanent absence due to being in an Australian citizenship status anomoly. (where Lima Declaration?)

My Toolmoor Truth and Healing Embassy Leadership role was co-enacted by four Senior Signatories, Gamilaraay 3 stripe delegate on a trans-tribal mission with Diplomatic speaking rights, this is a Local Indigenous community based responsibility, which I hold dear to my heart being born in Ipswich and it was a personally valued inclusion, to which all fullfillment to this significant request with all due respects afforded, will be left to Toolmoor/Tulmur unless instructed otherwise by a true Self-Determination

Is it Justice or Just Us? In my limited opinion… It’s an internationally accepted practice at Customary International Law that Free-Nationals have the right to claim their dead in foreign State territories. If we are not allowed to protect the untangible losses from this desecration occurring here at Deebing Creek, then sorry not sorry, with the given unnacceptance it’s quite clear Indigenous Rights aren’t Human Rights and the line will be boldly drawn.

image Micah

Jingala, My name is Micah Hill I am a proud, Yuggera, descendant. Currently I am here, Toolmoor (Ipswich) on Deebing Creek continuing the occupation, protecting my ancestors against the permanent destruction of a sacred site caused by a t3 zone urban development.

image Jeff

Hi my name is Jeffrey Mckewin & I’m an observer in consistancy with human right articles. I am here to protect the Skeletal Remains belonging to each of the many tribes. My observance of the multi-tribal restitution via repatriation came to me as a spiritual callling here by the spirits, in my response, I have taken a personal vow to help them & be their voice by occupying against this development from going ahead at the Toolmoor Truth & Healing Embassy, Deebing Creek and Purga Missions. I am an apprentice sacred fire keeper as well as assisting with the on-site animal husbandry & the wild life that surrounds us.

image Lui

Hello, my name is Luis Varney. I believe in the causes that Deebing creek stands for. I have been helping assist the objectives of the re-occupants in a number of different ways - my main objective being Food Sovereignty. I approach this from a Trans-disciplinary perspective where I look to offer my skills and history in Music, Sport, Hobby Farming and Construction and Landscaping with an Undergraduate Degree in Environmental Science Majoring in Management. I have grave concerns about the consequences of the Climate Crisis and support Indigenous voices in response. I have a strong interest in the Scienfic discussions of hybridised systems of Cultivation and believe Culture must be the leader of the outcomes. (How can we have Sovereignty of the Food without the Sovereignty of the Water?). While we have to make the best we can in an altered landscape, I assist with/encourage multilateral discussions of suitabilities of methods leading to empowerment of the First Peoples.

image Fiona

Hi, my name is Fiona Williams. I am Gangulu on my Grandmothers side and Darumbal on my Grandfathers side….I am on a journey, retracing “Steps” of those of my Grandparents and Famililies.

The ‘jouney’ has halted for a year and a half. But This is A Good Thing! The many alliances, met extended family, made good friendships and like minded people. We’re All here and in support of ‘doing the right thing’, REPATRIATE THE BONES. HEAL US. HEAL THE LAND. And come together in unison against Unscruplious Corporations, Local Govenments, State Government and Individuals who Do Not Have the Decency to Agree that! In my journey of Truth, I became involved with Deebing Creek because of the inherent possibility that ‘My’ Family Members are in That Pit! And sadly, Yes there are bone fragments that potentially match my DNA. How This gets tested is of No-one Else’s concern and is ONLY within the Jurisdiction of the many tribal law/lore sorry business/es, evidence remaining to this horrific now sacred site it encompasses. My Grandparents and family have Died with Broken Hearts and that has now carried onto Me. My Heart is Broken as with Theirs.

I Protect The Bones and This Land. I help with the Garden, gathering wood for the Sacred Fire and all over ‘utility player’ on the Front Lines. Warmer months will see Family actiivites happen at Deebing Creek and with my background in Early CH Teaching, and Health, I co-ordinate with others the program for visitors, children and families.

image JodyNJacki

Jacki (left): I have been facinated by Aboriginal Culture since I was a child, but during my early life found it wasn’t easy to find out much about it. During my teenage years I learned about injustice and mistreatment of coloured people all around the world and realised it must have happened here. To appease my shame and sadness I decided it stops with me. I have come to Deebing Creek with my partner Jody and I am grateful to be welcomed by the amazing people protecting this country and also the folks from all walks of life who come here on their own journey of attempting to move forward with the indigenous Australians. I am proud to have found so many folks willing to help show the respect and awe that should always have been given. I live in hope that together we can help empower this very special race of people to fully SHINE and live their best lives and celebrate the culture that made this country so great. We still have a long road to walk.

Uncle Jody (right): JarJumbah. I came here in Oct 2020. I was passing by and decided to call in after an hour conversation with DK, who I had met the year before at a corroboree here at Deebing. He convinced me to stay for a bit. About a week later he showed me Records of Deebing - it had the names of my mob from Woorabinda. Since tracked all but one down. Are they still here? An then I found out about the children. I didn’t sleep that night. Next morning I was furious at the situation. I decided then I am Here for Bones of our Ancestors. The JarJums. I speak only for them, not the land, it’s not my country. But I will not leave until they have all Been Repatriated Home to their own country/lands.