The Toolmoor Truth and Healing Embassy was established on the 7th of March 2021 following two years of land reclaimation, occupation and resistance to prevent a housing development on historically and culturally significant First Nations Lands.

Deebing Creek was one of the first colonial missions on the East coast of Australia, established over the lands of the Yuggera and Ugarapul peoples. First Nations people from all over the state and country were stolen from their homelands and brought to the mission as part of Australia’s dark history of colonisation. Colonisation continues to this day, and the land has been sold by Ipswich City Council for an urban sprawl development.

Sovereign land defenders and supporters have been occupying the area for over two years to prevent this injustice. The Deebing Creek site is home to the burial grounds of First Nations Ancestors and there is strong evidence to suggest that this is also a massacre site, with ground penetrating radar showing significant abnormalities where trenches and mass graves were dug. It is also home to many endangered flora and fauna species and is critical koala habitat. This koala habitat is at risk due to significant deforestation and development of the surrounding area. Land defenders continue to occupy the site to prevent their country and burial grounds from being desecrated.

Since occupying this sacred site, land defenders have built huts, planted a Food Sovereignty Garden, set up rainwater collection and solar power systems, and have engaged the community to preserve culture. The First Nations land defenders and their supporters on site need your help to sustain this important movement. Justice is possible if we all come together.

Protectors are dedicated to the continual occupation of the former Deebing Creek Aboriginal Reserve with the primary goals:

  1. Repatriation of skeletal remains and traditional artifacts
  2. Land regeneration and management
  3. Cultural renewal and continuation
  4. Food sovereignty